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Symmetry fascinates me, as it often begins in chaos. I'm obsessed with how inverting and repeating one slice of disordered pixels changes it from chaos to exact perfection. I utilize pixels as a metaphor for atoms, and explore how much of our existence is spent perceiving an endlessly large world made of unspeakably small particles. 

These pieces are drawn on watercolor paper with paint pens. The works begin digitally, on a pixel grid. I crave perfection within my work. It’s part of the reason I gravitated to digital mediums. However, in attempting to divorce from that desperate want, I brought my work into the physical world by drawing each square by hand. It is essential for me to touch my work, to truly put my soul into it. While from afar it may look very accurate, come closer and the viewer is able to see the natural shakes of my hands, consciously trying to make straight lines. 

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